Cyprus is at the brink of a transformative era. Research, technology and innovation are fundamental tools, vital to the future of our country. The ability to use them effectively will position us for success!
Our small island has already witnessed a rapid evolution in Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation over the past decade. Been ranked as a Strong Innovator for the second consecutive year according to the European Innovation Scoreboard, bears a testament to the progress achieved and the potential ahead.
In our quest to build sustainable growth and strengthen our posture as a regional research, technology and innovation hub, we focus on creating a robust and fit-for-the-future ecosystem, that will become a major contributor to the country’s GDP. An ecosystem that will spearhead the effort to create a modern and competitive economy, to the benefit of the environment, society and future generations.
Together, we embark on a journey towards a more innovative, prosperous, and sustainable Cyprus, driven by research, innovation and technological advancement.