International Dimension
The enhancement of extroversion of the national R&I system and the development of targeted strategic collaborations with selected countries and international organizations in fields including science, technology and innovation is an important objective of the national R&I strategic framework as well as the promotion of Cyprus as a R&I hub, aiming to attract foreign investment in high-tech companies based in Cyprus.
This will be achieved in taking action in the following directions:
- Support of scientific and research collaboration with EU member states and countries of the Mediterranean region, as well as with European and international Organisations and Institutions in support of science, research and innovation activities.
- Promotion of targeted strategic collaborations on R&I with specific countries with successful innovation ecosystems, building on synergies and enhancing potential impact and mutual benefit.
- Support of access of Cypriot institutions, companies and researchers to European Programs for R&I will enhance access of Cypriot teams to world-class research networks, state-of-the-art technologies and scientific knowledge, while attracting additional funds to support R&I activity.
- Enhance the international orientation of Cypriot enterprises, particularly startups, as well their ability to “think and act global” from day one, thus supporting them in overcoming significant barriers such as the small size of the market and availability of highly specialized workforce.
- Strengthen Cyprus presence in EU decision-making bodies, working groups and committees and its contribution to EU strategy and policy, aiming to ensure maximum benefit in areas of strategic importance to the country. At the same time, representation in EU bodies works vice versa, in implementing updated and new EU policies at national level and in enhancing national work programmes with contemporary sources and vision, including the development of Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIAs) at national level, and national strategies for addressing societal challenges.
- Attract foreign investment in R&I in the form of establishing foreign multinational companies (MNC) to establish local R&D departments, as well as investment funds for early-stage entrepreneurial activity (business angels, venture capital funds).