Designing Climate Ecosystems Conference

During his speech, Chief Scientist explained how Cyprus Research and Innovation ecosystem addresses the climate change by supporting implementation of the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan and embracing Climate KIC. He also referred to the relevance of the Research and Innovation Foundation’s RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes addressing climate change as a challenge, as well as to the S3CY – Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus.
Mr Kokkinos also talked about the support and participation in EU initiatives and the joint actions for climate and energy.
The aim of the conference was to raise the awareness among relevant national stakeholders on best practices from around the world on how Cyprus can be transformed into a Climate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub. Speakers from France, Australia, Israel and other countries also presented their experiences on how to strengthen and support networks, clusters, consortia and value-chains in traditional and non-traditional sectors, with specific emphasis on climate innovation. Organisations and individuals from all sides of the Knowledge Triangle (business, education and research), as well as other interested stakeholders participated at the event and contributed to the discussions.